Methaumans - Digital Fashion
About the project:
Metahumans, brought to us by Unreal Engine and Epic Games, revolutionize the world of digital fashion. Powered by advanced real-time rendering technology, Metahumans provide an unprecedented level of realism and detail, surpassing traditional virtual avatars. These highly customizable and lifelike digital models enable fashion designers to bring their creative visions to life with remarkable accuracy and visual fidelity. Leveraging the power of Unreal Engine's cutting-edge tools and the expertise of Epic Games, Metahumans redefine the possibilities of digital fashion, offering a platform for innovative design, virtual try-ons, and interactive fashion experiences. With Metahumans, the future of fashion is seamlessly merging the digital and physical worlds, propelling the industry into a new era of limitless creativity and immersive virtual fashion.
Asaf Reeb / Teder.FM
Resurrection of Nefertiti
About the project:
In my project "Resurrection of Nefertiti," I embarked on a captivating endeavor to bring the iconic queen back to life using cutting-edge technology. By utilizing a 3D scan of Nefertiti's ancient bust, I embarked on the meticulous task of reconstructing her into a Metahuman. Through a combination of artistic interpretation and advanced digital sculpting techniques, I breathed new life into her likeness, capturing her regal beauty and enigmatic aura. The result is a stunning fusion of history and innovation, where the ancient past is seamlessly intertwined with the possibilities of the digital realm. "Resurrection of Nefertiti" is a testament to the power of technology and creativity, offering a glimpse into the ancient world through the lens of modern digital artistry.
N/A (Personal Project)
Motion Capture
About the project:
Facial motion capture with LiveLink is an innovative and accessible way to animate Metahuman faces. By using an iOS app, capturing real-time facial movements becomes relatively easy, despite the complexity typically associated with motion capture logistics. The seamless connection to Unreal Engine allows for precise and lifelike facial animations, offering a wide range of emotions and expressions with remarkable accuracy. This breakthrough technology simplifies the process and opens up new creative possibilities, making facial motion capture more accessible and bringing characters to life in exciting ways.
N/A (Personal Project)
About the project:
Photogrammetry is a powerful technique that allows for the creation of highly detailed 3D models using a series of photographs. The process involves capturing multiple images of an object or environment from different angles and using specialized software to reconstruct the geometry and texture of the subject.
In the case of creating a mesh and a Metahuman identical to the scanned singer, I employed photogrammetry to capture the singer's physical appearance in extraordinary detail. By taking a comprehensive set of high-resolution photos from various viewpoints, I meticulously documented the singer's facial features, expressions, and unique characteristics.
Using advanced photogrammetry software, I processed the images to generate an accurate and intricate 3D mesh of the singer's face. This mesh served as the foundation for creating a Metahuman, ensuring that every nuance and subtlety of the singer's appearance was faithfully replicated.
Through the combination of photogrammetry and the Metahuman technology, I was able to bring the singer to life in a virtual form, capturing their likeness with remarkable precision. The result is an immersive and realistic representation of the singer, showcasing the power and potential of photogrammetry in creating lifelike digital characters.
N/A (Personal Project)
The Longest Road To Nowhere
About the project:
Video art has evolved with the integration of Metahumans and virtual characters, expanding the artistic potential of storytelling. In "The Longest Road To Nowhere," curated by TwoCurators, these digital entities blur reality and imagination, offering a visually captivating and thought-provoking experience. By challenging societal norms and exploring abstract concepts, the artist communicates complex narratives and evokes emotions through this transformative fusion of technology and artistic vision. The presence of Metahumans and virtual characters in video art opens up new creative possibilities and immerses viewers in alternative realities.
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